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certified engineer中文是什么意思

用"certified engineer"造句"certified engineer"怎么读"certified engineer" in a sentence


  • 合格轮机员


  • Welcome , chinese certified engineering consultants
  • One year later , in september 2001 , he was certified as a red hat certified engineer
    一年后,于2001年9月,他获得了red hat认证工程师。
  • The first plenary meeting for business practice qualification management committee of national certified engineering consultants investment closed
  • Regulations on administration of foreign - invested construction and engineering design enterprises , the number of foreign service providers who have been qualified as certified architects or certified engineers in china employed by a wholly foreign - owned engineering design enterprise must not be less than one quarter of the total number of its qualified professional staff of the same grade . the ratio required of sino - foreign joint venture operations is one - eighth
  • Regulations on administration of foreign - invested construction and engineering design enterprises , the number of foreign service providers ( who have been qualified as certified architects or certified engineers in china ) employed by a wholly foreign - owned engineering design enterprise must not be less than one quarter of the total number of its qualified professional staff of the same grade . the ratio required of sino - foreign joint venture operations is one - eighth
用"certified engineer"造句  
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